Sunday, September 2, 2007

to making it count.

Things not to do when one is depressed:
1) hide in your room all day, leaving only when you really, really have to pee and can't hold it for one minute more;
2) watch Titanic on TV in its entirety (although, if you stop it at my favorite scene, after Rose jumps out of the lifeboat and runs back to Jack and he screams, "You're so stupid, Rose!" and they kiss and laugh and are still alive, well - that's permissible);
3) cry at the dog food commercials that interrupt Titanic periodically;
4) read Madame Bovary and identify with the title character;
5) call your mother on the verge of tears, twice;
6) neglect to study for comps, which start this fucking Friday.

Things that help a whole, whole lot:
1) window-shopping and birthday drinks with Ali at Usual Suspects, framed by a Fergalicious soundtrack;
2) retreats to Marion with my cinnamon girl, where we get to eat Norwegian pancakes and watch lots of Ally McBeal and we don't have to see anyone else if we don't want to;
3) discovering that Chris Pureka has not forgotten me, even though I hadn't seen her since 2004;
4) pretending to be cool and sophisticated and together like Katherine Min;
5) watching Billy Zane try to act.

So, the lists aren't quite even yet, but after a lengthy break for fan-fiction reading, and after Marshall gets home from work, I'm thinking the balance might shift. And if not, hey, tomorrow's the Apple Festival in Hendersonville, and I've got my hopes set on a candy apple. Keep your fingers crossed, eh? I love you all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I watched Titanic recently...on VHS! I almost cried a few times (as usual). You should have at least mentioned your unstable Marion cling-on Stephen as a retreat!!!