Okay, so just a heads-up before I even get started: this is a picture-saturated post. I can't help myself. I just got my camera cord back, after long weeks of separation, and while I'm trying to exercise some restraint, it's been a really vivid, crazy time that I'd like to document, and I'm doing so here. Do people still have dial-up? If you do, this could take a while. Just be glad that I'm sparing you some scandalous video footage which would undoubtedly add years to the time this page must take to load. Anyway!
So, I'm back in Asheville, clearly, which I'm finally settled into, after a really long period of missing my family. When they left me here, after helping me move in, I completely broke down crying, and I didn't feel right again until, oh, some point weeks later. I still really miss them. Being back in Erie isn't the best thing for me, as we've established, but I've been having so many issues with security lately, and they were much more manageable when I had my family all around me, when I could run errands with my mother and drink and dance with my kid brother and continue a still-not-right relationship with my father. Okay, that last part wasn't really much good, but even that beat being without all of them, really. I remember being in high school and thinking, "Okay, once I get through school and can pay my parents back, I'm not going to bother going home anymore except for funerals." And now that I am out of the house, and doing what I want, I find myself missing them so often, and for so many reasons; I've become such a family person. But I'm here now, and missing them is hard, but I couldn't appreciate them nearly so much if I still lived with them, if we still had to deal with all of the negotiations and screaming matches that made me want to run away before.
And 'here' happens to be pretty cozy, in fact. I'm finally in a single, which was long overdue, and while it's small, it's good to have my own room to come home to at the end of the night. Have a look!
So, I'm back in Asheville, clearly, which I'm finally settled into, after a really long period of missing my family. When they left me here, after helping me move in, I completely broke down crying, and I didn't feel right again until, oh, some point weeks later. I still really miss them. Being back in Erie isn't the best thing for me, as we've established, but I've been having so many issues with security lately, and they were much more manageable when I had my family all around me, when I could run errands with my mother and drink and dance with my kid brother and continue a still-not-right relationship with my father. Okay, that last part wasn't really much good, but even that beat being without all of them, really. I remember being in high school and thinking, "Okay, once I get through school and can pay my parents back, I'm not going to bother going home anymore except for funerals." And now that I am out of the house, and doing what I want, I find myself missing them so often, and for so many reasons; I've become such a family person. But I'm here now, and missing them is hard, but I couldn't appreciate them nearly so much if I still lived with them, if we still had to deal with all of the negotiations and screaming matches that made me want to run away before.
And 'here' happens to be pretty cozy, in fact. I'm finally in a single, which was long overdue, and while it's small, it's good to have my own room to come home to at the end of the night. Have a look!
And although I've drifted from most of the old crew, and I'm unwilling to pick up any new attachments when leaving here in May is bound to be hard enough, this happens to be a year of cool transfer students and no obligations, and I am totally down with that. Because of a housing shortage, the school stuck two transfers in the lounge of my building for the first week, and they happen to be too fucking great. They've since moved out, but we had a little last-night-in-the-lounge party with a very special guest:
Below is Liz from Iowa, who is really cute, aww. She came with us to the Chris Pureka show, and afterwards, we hung out at the Waffle House, where we told our coming-out stories and laughed a whole lot and had a really awesome waitress. And Chris Pureka remembered me, hello! Another life dream crossed off my list!

Now: I should be studying for Day Two of comps, or finishing Madame Bovary, or (god forbid) writing my own shit, since I've only got a month to get my seminar project together. But instead, I'm posting this, and watching Road the the White House on C-SPAN. Ah, well - it's a Sunday evening, and I'm worn-out and overheated, and there's a hellish week ahead, with comps and meetings and a blood test and so much therapy drama you wouldn't even believe it. (On Thursday, this bitch diagnosed me with Bipolar II and prescribed me Lithium in a ten-minute timespan, and she still refers to Marshall as 'Megan.' Fucking hack.) But for right now, I'm feeling all right, maybe more together than I've been all month. Which is not saying much, but it's something, and it's enough.
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