A real post is out of the question, currently, because I am alternately sad as fuck or immersed in fiction so as to forget my melancholy. Suffice it to say that OurVoice is a fantastic organization, but there's just no good time to do the work I have to do with them. The nightmares are worse than ever, and the flashbacks are more frequent, and I've never been so glad for the Atlantic Ocean. As always, I'm missing more people than I've got a right to, and all these rainy days mess with my memories a bit more than they should. But you know what? This is nothing that the internet can't cure - or, failing that, distract me from.
Exhibit A: an unexpected message from a stranger in Indiana.
Imagine, receiving such an overture only hours after a message from another stranger in Indiana that began, "i found your profile thru looking up fisting."
Exhibit B: a medley of clips of Severus Snape from Order of the Phoenix, provided by some kind stranger.
Pay special attention to the part where Snape grabs Harry's arm and pulls him down the stairs. It's not even right to admit the intensity of my reaction when Snape asks Harry, "Is this what you call control?"
Exhibit C: Harry Potter slash. Particularly this one story I came across while looking for something R might like. (Since then, Kara's sent me links to even more stories. I don't think I'll be leaving my room 'til Monday.)
Third Time's the Charm, by Helen
When my newest therapist asked what I do when I feel a panic attack coming on, I told her that I read.
"You read?" she asked. "But what do you read?"
"Um, things," I answered, a bit evasively.
"But how can you concentrate, with all that's going on?"
"Well, I, um. Read really good things. And then I can't even be bothered to notice what sort of physical state I'm in."
"Well," she said, "that's kind of uncommon. But I'd like to get a reading list from you sometime!"
Exhibit D: the entirety of Order of the Phoenix, which is up online now, and which I have watched three times in the past three days.
Exhibit E: really hot pictures, sent by Kate, who managed front row tickets for two Hanson concerts.

I have been wanting to attend a Hanson concert for the past decade, and I really need to suck it up and go before it's too late. Especially because Tay cannot possibly get any hotter, so it's all downhill from here. (Then again, that's what I thought ten years ago, so there's really no telling. . .) Kate mentioned that Hanson's playing a show in Charlotte in October. I wonder what my chances are of making it there?
Exhibit F: Bele Chere, which is not on the internet, but which is currently clogging up every street in Asheville, it would seem, and which Marshall and I might make our way to tonight. Or else, we might stay in and finish the second season of Weeds, which seems a little more likely, at this point.
These, friends, are just a few timely reasons that I fucking love the internet. Feel free to share more; I could use a distraction from my analysis of the economic situation in Singapore. Really.
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