Yeah, it's safe to say that Boudreaux and I belong together. He lets me hold him like a baby and stares meaningfully into my eyes while I serenade him with improvised songs about his virtues. He follows me into the kitchen, the office, out the door, and at least acts as if he understands the long, agonized monologues I subject him to. And he's so needy and jumpy and neurotic, and he gets hurt feelings if he thinks you're laughing at him, oh man. It's love, friends. Although! I did meet a dog yesterday who looks just like Snuffaluffagus, and he was pretty awesome. He's really into shaking hands, over and over, and has a moustache, and let me love all over him for longer than Sal ever will. All of this exposure to dogs is fun, and I'm starting to appreciate them a lot more, but it's also confirming that I am, most definitely, a cat person, through and through.

Things are slow, here, and mostly-sweet. My class seems really good; we jumped right in with a discussion on canon, and we get to read Arundhati Roy and James Baldwin and Audre Lorde, and Subramaniam is all kinds of adorable and witty and good. I'm reading a biography of Tennessee Williams which is thrilling, because the author hung out with him a whole lot, for a long time, and so there's lots of juicy information that makes Tennessee feel like a friend, somehow. I love biographies; I don't even care if they're about anyone I know, as long as they're well-done. And this one is! Two nights ago, we had beers with Brenna and then had a dance party for two in Lori's office, which didn't last for too long because we got distracted a few songs in. Still, I've never really let myself dance with anyone I've been with; I've avoided it pretty neatly and felt okay about that. But it's Marshall, and I love the way she moves, and the faces she makes when we're dancing, and getting dizzy and sweaty and worked-up. So that was really, really good, if a bit short-lived. Today, I am catching up with Camille, my oldest friend, because we're usually together at this time of year, and it feels wrong hearing fireworks without her around. And later on, I get to go to Shakespeare in the Park with Jana to see Romeo and Juliet, which remains my favorite Shakespeare play ever, as stupid as it sounds. Marshall's mom is coming in for the weekend, and it's impossible to sustain sadness when that woman's around.
Also: I am becoming a Harry Potter fiend. I took careful notes when I reread the series again, and I've been through so much speculation and anxiety over it, and it's silly, but really important, in a way. I mean, the fact is, this world is pretty short on literary events. Movies have midnight showings all the time, but how often do books get the masses all riled-up, huh? Not often enough, I say! So this is an important moment we're in, right now, having waited a decade for answers and being on the brink of receiving them once we get our hands on Book 7. And then, what, it's over? I am going to be a mess. Luckily, I can drown my sorrows in repeat viewings of Order of the Phoenix. Sarah and I are having a marathon of the movies leading up to the midnight showing, and I am making a ridiculous CD of wizard rock to listen to on the way, and it is great. I wish my girlfriend would watch with us, since I think she'd really enjoy the movies, but I think I'm through asking. She is coming with me to see Once at the Fine Arts, though, which I have been waiting to see for months. Look how adorable this movie looks! And the music!
I need to go and get ready for the day, get through some errands and get to know Tennessee Williams a little bit better. But Shakespeare tonight! It doesn't get any luckier, folks.

Things are slow, here, and mostly-sweet. My class seems really good; we jumped right in with a discussion on canon, and we get to read Arundhati Roy and James Baldwin and Audre Lorde, and Subramaniam is all kinds of adorable and witty and good. I'm reading a biography of Tennessee Williams which is thrilling, because the author hung out with him a whole lot, for a long time, and so there's lots of juicy information that makes Tennessee feel like a friend, somehow. I love biographies; I don't even care if they're about anyone I know, as long as they're well-done. And this one is! Two nights ago, we had beers with Brenna and then had a dance party for two in Lori's office, which didn't last for too long because we got distracted a few songs in. Still, I've never really let myself dance with anyone I've been with; I've avoided it pretty neatly and felt okay about that. But it's Marshall, and I love the way she moves, and the faces she makes when we're dancing, and getting dizzy and sweaty and worked-up. So that was really, really good, if a bit short-lived. Today, I am catching up with Camille, my oldest friend, because we're usually together at this time of year, and it feels wrong hearing fireworks without her around. And later on, I get to go to Shakespeare in the Park with Jana to see Romeo and Juliet, which remains my favorite Shakespeare play ever, as stupid as it sounds. Marshall's mom is coming in for the weekend, and it's impossible to sustain sadness when that woman's around.
Also: I am becoming a Harry Potter fiend. I took careful notes when I reread the series again, and I've been through so much speculation and anxiety over it, and it's silly, but really important, in a way. I mean, the fact is, this world is pretty short on literary events. Movies have midnight showings all the time, but how often do books get the masses all riled-up, huh? Not often enough, I say! So this is an important moment we're in, right now, having waited a decade for answers and being on the brink of receiving them once we get our hands on Book 7. And then, what, it's over? I am going to be a mess. Luckily, I can drown my sorrows in repeat viewings of Order of the Phoenix. Sarah and I are having a marathon of the movies leading up to the midnight showing, and I am making a ridiculous CD of wizard rock to listen to on the way, and it is great. I wish my girlfriend would watch with us, since I think she'd really enjoy the movies, but I think I'm through asking. She is coming with me to see Once at the Fine Arts, though, which I have been waiting to see for months. Look how adorable this movie looks! And the music!
I need to go and get ready for the day, get through some errands and get to know Tennessee Williams a little bit better. But Shakespeare tonight! It doesn't get any luckier, folks.
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