So, some really thrilling shit went down yesterday, but let me just get this out of the way first: Young Steven and I were reunited and it was like Christmas Cruise: Redux. There were singing, dancing musical moments. There were sweaty hugs and lots more screaming than we could ever pull of on a ship. There was also some of the best people-watching I've ever witnessed, and some fabulous friends to be made. Thank Christ for Gay Day at Cedar Point, eh?
As could be predicated, Steven and I were both late getting there. Since I was beating him, timing-wise, I decided to stop off and get gas before entering the park, and the dyke-in-charge behind the counter took me back to the bathrooms and asked if I wanted to "you know. . ." I said no, of course, but still, how often do I complain that this shit never happens for girls, when guys get to have hot, grimy bathroom hookups all the time? So I'm pleased that this world is not so unfair, after all. Plus, the night before, I had totally been whining about needing sex, so I guess the universe is looking out for me, or trying. Anyway, only two more days of this involuntary celibacy business.
So then I got to the park and decided that, while waiting, I should check out a rollercoaster on my own, seeing as I'd never been on a real one before. That way, if I decide to wuss out, no one I know will be around to witness it, you know? So I get in line for the Raptor, mostly because raptors are one of my favorite dinosaurs, and I'm pleased to see a ton of red shirts, and all kinds of queers around me. Just my luck that I end up riding next to Miss Straight America 2007, yeah? But - surprise! After the ride, she totally came out to me, introduced me to her friends, and asked me to hang out with them until Steven showed up. So we rode some scarier coasters, and it turns out that I am something of a rollercoaster fiend, and that's good news. And the lesbians were all very nice, although they were really big fans of The L Word and said they prefer it to Queer As Folk because "it's about people like us." Really? But seriously, we had fun, although I was relieved when Steven showed up with a million friends in tow.

Roll call! I am standing next to, um, this kid whose name might be Adam? Who is standing next to a boy who may be named Nick? For some reason, I continually mixed them up in my mind, and remember them as one boy (albeit one very cute boy). The guy in stripes is Tommy, who knew entirely too many people, it would seem. The boy who matches me is called Kyle, and he is a riot. Seriously, he is his own one-man show, and I was lucky enough to get to watch it for a while. Love him! Next up is Young Steven himself, being totally nelly. And then there's Dan, one of the few people in this world who look good in yellow. Anyway!
As could be predicated, Steven and I were both late getting there. Since I was beating him, timing-wise, I decided to stop off and get gas before entering the park, and the dyke-in-charge behind the counter took me back to the bathrooms and asked if I wanted to "you know. . ." I said no, of course, but still, how often do I complain that this shit never happens for girls, when guys get to have hot, grimy bathroom hookups all the time? So I'm pleased that this world is not so unfair, after all. Plus, the night before, I had totally been whining about needing sex, so I guess the universe is looking out for me, or trying. Anyway, only two more days of this involuntary celibacy business.
So then I got to the park and decided that, while waiting, I should check out a rollercoaster on my own, seeing as I'd never been on a real one before. That way, if I decide to wuss out, no one I know will be around to witness it, you know? So I get in line for the Raptor, mostly because raptors are one of my favorite dinosaurs, and I'm pleased to see a ton of red shirts, and all kinds of queers around me. Just my luck that I end up riding next to Miss Straight America 2007, yeah? But - surprise! After the ride, she totally came out to me, introduced me to her friends, and asked me to hang out with them until Steven showed up. So we rode some scarier coasters, and it turns out that I am something of a rollercoaster fiend, and that's good news. And the lesbians were all very nice, although they were really big fans of The L Word and said they prefer it to Queer As Folk because "it's about people like us." Really? But seriously, we had fun, although I was relieved when Steven showed up with a million friends in tow.

Roll call! I am standing next to, um, this kid whose name might be Adam? Who is standing next to a boy who may be named Nick? For some reason, I continually mixed them up in my mind, and remember them as one boy (albeit one very cute boy). The guy in stripes is Tommy, who knew entirely too many people, it would seem. The boy who matches me is called Kyle, and he is a riot. Seriously, he is his own one-man show, and I was lucky enough to get to watch it for a while. Love him! Next up is Young Steven himself, being totally nelly. And then there's Dan, one of the few people in this world who look good in yellow. Anyway!

Steven was dramatic, and looking to avoid certain subjects with certain people. So he took karaoke host Damian's advice for cutting people off with grace: "Just avoid eye contact and don't speak to him!" It hasn't been the most helpful advice, but it's a whole lot nicer than, say, queening out on someone the night before their birthday. Not that Steven's ever done that or anything.

These young geese were way-cute, and had some crazy synchronicity going on. I took, like, two dozen pictures of them, but I'll spare you the repetition and just share this one.
We ate at Johnny Rocket's when it got too hot to stay outside, and our waitress was this really sweet woman named Kelly who broke it the fuck down while dancing. We tried to dance, too, but were cruelly thwarted when the lone dancing waiter ignored our efforts to make a grand musical moment out of the occasion. Sigh. We did get to feed nickels into the jukebox and hear Donna Summers' "Last Dance," so that helped to make up for earlier disappointments.

Steven was all, "Let's go on the water rides! I wanna go on the water rides!" and everyone else was like, "No, we don't want to get all wet." But because I love water rides, and because I love Steven to bits, I accompanied him on the rapids ride, where we sat with these cute gay men and their cool grandchildren. And then, since we got soaked, we decided to ride the log flume ride, too, and screamed like little bitches, and had a fabulous time. And then we took a picture to show off Steven's swim trunks, which were more like hotpants. They had a hole in the ass, which did not keep Steven from flaunting all he's got. Check him out.

Let me just take a moment to say that Gay Days are a really great thing. Yes, it's corny, and yes, unsuspecting parents who show up on those days get put-off by them, but really? It is so, so good to see all those cute queens wearing red, lined up to ride rollercoasters! And like, waiting in line? So much more entertaining on Gay Day. We were near this really energetic queen in a purple tanktop while waiting for the Millenium Force, and he was grooving to Britney and the Pussycat Dolls, this sweaty, scrawny lord of the dance. And there were all these gay couples with their kids in tow, and then couples of gay high-schoolers who were all giddy-in-love, and bunches of shirtless bears wandering about. We met a gay frat boy, a mini-Waymond, a hottie whose name might have been Richard, and this shrill queen who screamed, "Oh shit, my earring!" throughout our ride on the Maverick. We strutted and squealed and pulled each other aside for necessary conferences throughout the day. We debated the gender of certain attractive passersby and played "Spit, Swallow, or On the Face" with nearly everyone who stood in lines with us. And then we encountered the stranger to end all strangers.

You'll want to see the full version of that picture, kids, so you can study the creepy guy in the background. His shirt says "HELLO, MY NAME IS MISTER RIGHT. I believe you were looking for me." He cruised Steven so hard, and had this straight-line mouth like Bert from Sesame Street, and was totally perving all over the cute queer boys all around him. But that shirt! I really hope that he somehow meets his soulmate while wearing it, because it lends itself to a dramatic situation like that. Poor soul.
Kyle was kind enough to say that I looked like Amanda Bynes in She's the Man, which is totally untrue but also incredibly flattering. That Kyle! My mother, however, told me on the same day that I looked like Amanda Bynes in She's the Man, in a tone which suggested that she did not mean it in a good way. Still, I'll take my compliments where I can get 'em. I think it was just the fact that I was wearing a red soccer shirt, which I totally stole on my last day of work at the sport park.
It was seriously one of the best days I've ever lived, and definitely what I needed after this stagnant time spent in Erie. And Steven has only become more fabulous in our time apart! As the night wound down, we took our last turns on the Top Thrill Dragster and the Corkscrew, and made a resolution to return to the CP next Father's Day, to celebrate our graduations and to live it up once more. Kyle, though, declared that we should do this again in August, which would be amazing. What a day! Even though I've got awful blisters on my feet, weird bruises all over my legs, and some mild neck pain from the day's adventures, I'd do it all over again, only I'd get there on time and do a better job of applying sunscreen! Time spent with Steven is exhilarating, and I will never get enough. Not ever.
So today was bound to be anticlimactic, right? Except that I went to the Villa booksale, and although I swore I'd limit myself to ten books or less, I don't possess that kind of restraint. I walked out two hours later with 26 books for only $22.50! Several are for school, or can at least help me get ready for comps, but most of them are books I never would have thought to look for but realized, upon finding them, that I absolutely needed them. Biographies of Tennessee Williams and Judy Garland, Harold Pinter plays, some Yeats poetry to psych me up for seminar, Flannery O'Connor short stories, The Trials of Oscar Wilde, some Camus, and my favorite unexpected find: Hollywood Androgyny! Folks, it just doesn't get any better. I'm going to have a hell of a time deciding what books to bring back with me, and really need to start on packing. Only one more day left in Erie, and then I take off for the summer of my dreams. I guess that officially started yesterday, though. . .
I'll leave you now with some typical Steven fabulousness.
We ate at Johnny Rocket's when it got too hot to stay outside, and our waitress was this really sweet woman named Kelly who broke it the fuck down while dancing. We tried to dance, too, but were cruelly thwarted when the lone dancing waiter ignored our efforts to make a grand musical moment out of the occasion. Sigh. We did get to feed nickels into the jukebox and hear Donna Summers' "Last Dance," so that helped to make up for earlier disappointments.

Steven was all, "Let's go on the water rides! I wanna go on the water rides!" and everyone else was like, "No, we don't want to get all wet." But because I love water rides, and because I love Steven to bits, I accompanied him on the rapids ride, where we sat with these cute gay men and their cool grandchildren. And then, since we got soaked, we decided to ride the log flume ride, too, and screamed like little bitches, and had a fabulous time. And then we took a picture to show off Steven's swim trunks, which were more like hotpants. They had a hole in the ass, which did not keep Steven from flaunting all he's got. Check him out.

Let me just take a moment to say that Gay Days are a really great thing. Yes, it's corny, and yes, unsuspecting parents who show up on those days get put-off by them, but really? It is so, so good to see all those cute queens wearing red, lined up to ride rollercoasters! And like, waiting in line? So much more entertaining on Gay Day. We were near this really energetic queen in a purple tanktop while waiting for the Millenium Force, and he was grooving to Britney and the Pussycat Dolls, this sweaty, scrawny lord of the dance. And there were all these gay couples with their kids in tow, and then couples of gay high-schoolers who were all giddy-in-love, and bunches of shirtless bears wandering about. We met a gay frat boy, a mini-Waymond, a hottie whose name might have been Richard, and this shrill queen who screamed, "Oh shit, my earring!" throughout our ride on the Maverick. We strutted and squealed and pulled each other aside for necessary conferences throughout the day. We debated the gender of certain attractive passersby and played "Spit, Swallow, or On the Face" with nearly everyone who stood in lines with us. And then we encountered the stranger to end all strangers.

You'll want to see the full version of that picture, kids, so you can study the creepy guy in the background. His shirt says "HELLO, MY NAME IS MISTER RIGHT. I believe you were looking for me." He cruised Steven so hard, and had this straight-line mouth like Bert from Sesame Street, and was totally perving all over the cute queer boys all around him. But that shirt! I really hope that he somehow meets his soulmate while wearing it, because it lends itself to a dramatic situation like that. Poor soul.

I'll leave you now with some typical Steven fabulousness.
1 comment:
OHHHH MY GOD! I love you soooo much that it hurts.
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