Oh man, update! Yes, I know, it's been ages, but I haven't forgotten about this thing. It's just been, you know, rather hectic. There have been a lot of times I wanted to write here and couldn't (considering I only visited my room every few days, toward the end of the semester), several times when I had a lot to say and thought better of it, and times when I honestly intended to update but felt overwhelmed by how much there was to say. I guess this is one of those times, but here goes.
School's out, which would be thrilling, except that I really like school. Also, I took an incomplete in my least-favorite class so that I could pull A's in my other classes - it wasn't a terribly hard sacrifice to make, although it came up at a really rough time - so now I've got weeks' worth of poetry to compose and critique. It's all part of my grand plan, though, because I seem to be making every effort to avoid leaving school for even the smallest increment of time. Anyhow, the semester ended well, if all-too-busily: lots of nights at LaRue's with the fabulous Erin and Joe, some much-needed quality time with young Christopher, and learning my way around Asheville with Marshall (about time, right?). Also, my girl and I are totally getting in with our professor - she came along on our frog-shopping adventure, and played guitar for us in her kitchen, and filled us in on her friend drama (we had plenty to tell her in return, believe you me). We might even get to housesit and look after her precious dog, Belly, starting next month - these toes are staying crossed 'til she lets us know for sure. And so, suddenly, my summer is looking up. Regardless of dogsitting engagements, I'll be in Asheville for my 21st birthday - and for the new Hanson album, Order of the Phoenix, and Book Seven!
In other good news: Jaslene won America's Next Top Model. Yes, I watch that show every week. I manage to balance it, though, by boycotting women's magazines. Lord knows how I keep myself from buying up the new issue of Jane every month, but the new editor sucks and my self-esteem doesn't need another reason to drop, so I content myself with a weekly televised modeling competition. But Jaslene, the draq-queen looking tough girl, totally brought it down, and I am allowing myself to be properly excited. Plus, look how hot she is in drag. So yeah, I'm way more excited about this show than I've got any right to be.
More good things: I got to see my #1 therapist again for the first time in years, and it was like no time has passed at all - she even quotes the same Indigo Girls song to me as always. I got to catch up with Kara last night, which only happens, like, three times a year. I've pulled together all kinds of old family photographs for possible use in my senior seminar next semester, and am getting unusually ambitious. My kitten is the cutest thing ever, and wakes up warmly and licks my fingers and keeps me busy with flashlight-tag. Things here are so calm that I've been able to ease up on the Ativan, and my therapist lent me a book with all kinds of exercises to work through, which I promise is more fun than it sounds. I've been listening to a lot of bouncy indie music that has me dancing like a fiend in my room at all hours, in spite of the fact that I'm still all sick and sneezy. Hanson put samples from their new album online, and it sounds really good - those silly brother are still singing my life story, after all these years.

All this, of course, is just building up to the most exciting update: last weekend, I met Rue McClanahan! You might know her as Blanche Devereaux from the Golden Girls, but you probably didn't know that she she's written an autobiography, or that she's probably buying property in Asheville! I got to see her with Marshall, her mother, my mother, and my grandmother on Mother's Day weekend! We had a total girls' night out, with a lengthy late-night dinner and hanging out in hotel rooms, and my grandmother is still talking about it. Unfortunately, my seventy-three year old grandma was shocked at the sexual nature of Rue's book, and didn't know what to do with herself when she finished. Luckily, I had Tommy Hays' The Pleasure Was Mine on hand - it's refreshingly folksy and unexplicit. She is loving it, as she should, and I am loving Tommy Hays endlessly, as I always will.
See? Even when I'm back in Erie, all I really want to talk about is school. My apologies, everyone - I'll cut this off here and spare you all. Count on me being back at blogging from here on out, though - now that my non-fiction workshop is out, blogging has become a necessity. Hope you're all living fabulously!
School's out, which would be thrilling, except that I really like school. Also, I took an incomplete in my least-favorite class so that I could pull A's in my other classes - it wasn't a terribly hard sacrifice to make, although it came up at a really rough time - so now I've got weeks' worth of poetry to compose and critique. It's all part of my grand plan, though, because I seem to be making every effort to avoid leaving school for even the smallest increment of time. Anyhow, the semester ended well, if all-too-busily: lots of nights at LaRue's with the fabulous Erin and Joe, some much-needed quality time with young Christopher, and learning my way around Asheville with Marshall (about time, right?). Also, my girl and I are totally getting in with our professor - she came along on our frog-shopping adventure, and played guitar for us in her kitchen, and filled us in on her friend drama (we had plenty to tell her in return, believe you me). We might even get to housesit and look after her precious dog, Belly, starting next month - these toes are staying crossed 'til she lets us know for sure. And so, suddenly, my summer is looking up. Regardless of dogsitting engagements, I'll be in Asheville for my 21st birthday - and for the new Hanson album, Order of the Phoenix, and Book Seven!

More good things: I got to see my #1 therapist again for the first time in years, and it was like no time has passed at all - she even quotes the same Indigo Girls song to me as always. I got to catch up with Kara last night, which only happens, like, three times a year. I've pulled together all kinds of old family photographs for possible use in my senior seminar next semester, and am getting unusually ambitious. My kitten is the cutest thing ever, and wakes up warmly and licks my fingers and keeps me busy with flashlight-tag. Things here are so calm that I've been able to ease up on the Ativan, and my therapist lent me a book with all kinds of exercises to work through, which I promise is more fun than it sounds. I've been listening to a lot of bouncy indie music that has me dancing like a fiend in my room at all hours, in spite of the fact that I'm still all sick and sneezy. Hanson put samples from their new album online, and it sounds really good - those silly brother are still singing my life story, after all these years.

All this, of course, is just building up to the most exciting update: last weekend, I met Rue McClanahan! You might know her as Blanche Devereaux from the Golden Girls, but you probably didn't know that she she's written an autobiography, or that she's probably buying property in Asheville! I got to see her with Marshall, her mother, my mother, and my grandmother on Mother's Day weekend! We had a total girls' night out, with a lengthy late-night dinner and hanging out in hotel rooms, and my grandmother is still talking about it. Unfortunately, my seventy-three year old grandma was shocked at the sexual nature of Rue's book, and didn't know what to do with herself when she finished. Luckily, I had Tommy Hays' The Pleasure Was Mine on hand - it's refreshingly folksy and unexplicit. She is loving it, as she should, and I am loving Tommy Hays endlessly, as I always will.
See? Even when I'm back in Erie, all I really want to talk about is school. My apologies, everyone - I'll cut this off here and spare you all. Count on me being back at blogging from here on out, though - now that my non-fiction workshop is out, blogging has become a necessity. Hope you're all living fabulously!
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